Brian is busy with his newest toy -- an Ipod and trying to sort the many photographs we have into some sort of a computerized album/slide show so we don't forget. The boys..... well you can tell. They are sleeping alot. It gets so bad sometimes that they get so much stored up energy that at times we have these two wild cats waving handbags at dawn and then chasing the other one out the cat flap and just sitting there by it daring him to come in. We had one of these bouts today.

Cheeky has taken to sleeping on the bed with a pillow. You walk in and he is usually draped across it or curled up in a ball on top of it. But it is now his pillow!!!!

Jingles on the other hand is now taking up sleeping in the conservatory on top of a cushion under the rocking chair. Why????
I am beginning to think that possibly hibernation may set in early this year.

We have a new visitor to the garden of late. This overly friendly black bird who is brown. We can't quite make up our minds if male or female, but definitely a youngster. It is so tame that both Brian and I are afraid of it getting caught by the boys. But fingers crossed so far it has been a very lucky bird. We have had baby goldfinches and adults visiting the thistle feeders this year. They are such a lovely little bird. And sing beautifully. Our friend the giant chicken(wood pigeon) enjoys traipsing the flowers under the bird feeder and looking at himself in the mirror. The starlings fight and feud as much as ever and the little sparrows dart in when they can.
The other evening we were sitting in the garden just enjoying the work we had done and sipping a glass of wine. Both boys were sitting with us, Cheeky on the old bench and Jingles on the garden chairs. When all of a sudden we notice this squirrel stroll across the garden. We thought at first it was a cat, but then realization set in. He was almost nose to nose with Jingles and I think we all were in shock at seeing it, even Jingles and Cheeky. I think it was a bit much for the brave little squirrel and I think he must have realized too that he was in a very dangerous position. He high tailed it and ran in the opposite direction and Jingles was in fast pursuit. Not sure what he would have done if he had caught him. Think he would have ended up worse for the wear. And I jumped up in hot pursuit of Jingles. And if you get to know Jingles if he is frustrated and can't take it out on the one in his sights then he goes for someone or something else, this is usually me. But this time it was after the birds and our little cocky black bird who luckily flew just out of reach, but looked at me as if to say 'Hey what is up?' For such a tiny little garden we sure do get some excitement out of it at times.
1 comment:
Pat, sounds like you all had a great time in the garden. I just love watching nature--but ours is mostly calm now because our babies are departed. I am thinking about drinking wine again. I do miss a bed time sip of cream sherry and I think I will ask Al to get me a bottle. I can taste the warm sensation as I type. Love your posts.Thanks again for the beautiful birthday card. I also got a gift from a blogger friend that I may meet soon. She lives 2 hours from here and we are going to try and meet in Baton Rouge. Love Ya, Pat
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