I have been busy helping my friend from Colorado who goes by Gumbosea on the forum and we are searching out Gravatational lensing. He has written a few programs to give us a hand. One for posting the finds and one to play around with to help him prove Multiplane lensing (I enjoy just playing with it and seeing how the different lenses are possible). Okay stop with the glazed expressions. LOL It is so funny when I chat to Linda, Brian or Hamish and Yuk-kin about this stuff. I know now to just change the subject when that look comes on their faces. LOL Besides I can now chat with my friend in Colorado via a MSN connection. I get up early and he stays up late. I think it helps me to understand more of what it is I am seeing out there in our giant Universe by chatting about it all.
Anyway to the good news..... We too have some telescope time coming up. We have a Lensing specialist on the forum now and she has taken an intrest on the finds and was granted 12 hours use on the Gemini South Telescope. This is very exciting and we are now awaiting news to find out who's finds will be looked at. Gumbosea and I keep speculating as to whose finds it will be. I hope we both have one at least. Thus the reason my wrist is aching. You can read about it if you like on the Zoo Blog. But the pair of us have posted hundreds of finds so far.... and only 5 will get looked at. Hopefully they will find the others of use someday too.
And it won't be long and Galaxy Zoo 2 will be launched. So anxiously awaiting for it to be released.

That has been part of what I have been up to lately..... I have also gotten back into my quilling and have been selling a few bits on Ebay again. I sit with Brian of an evening and while watching telly sit and do a bit of quilling. I have a time keeping up with them as they soon sell. I won't get rich by any means and I am probably giving them away. I don't count my time into them as otherwise I wouldn't end up selling them for that price. But what I do make I buy a few more crafting bits. I am also having a craft day here soon on my Ebay group. That should be a bit of fun.

Besides the crafting, the garden is doing well and we have had some lovely veg and flowers from it. I will try to update the garden blog soon along with my food blog.
But in the meantime I have been tagged by the talented Leo over at her Blog Scribbles n Scrappin
The "rules" of the game: Each player answers the questions about themselves. I am supposed to then tag 5 more people.... so if you read this and you would like to do it here are the questions....
Ten years ago:
Five things in today's 'to do list':
Snacks I enjoy:
Things I would do if I was a millionaire:
Places I have lived:
Ten years ago: Hmmmm I think possibly we were in Scotland or getting ready for our trip to Scotland then. I know I hadn't been here long so I was still learning all about Britian then. Actually I was back in the US then.... Brian has looked it up. We had flown back home to see everyone. That was the last time I was in America. The Scotland trip was about 11 years ago.
Five things in my today's list...... 1. Finish two birthday cards. 2. Go for a walk to get some exercise. 3. Wash the dishes. 4. Cook supper. 5. Update my blog.
Snacks I enjoy... Hmmm Too many really.... Dark chocolate. Cheese. Potato crisps/chips. French fries. All the things you shouldn't eat. So try not to have snacks in the house if possible.
Things I would do if I was a millionaire... Oh this is tough because there is loads I would do.... First would be a trust fund for my Grand daughter. Next I would treat Brian to a fabulous night out on the town. I would throw a huge crafting party for all my ebay mates and my ABC mates. I would adopt all the cats at the Little cat Rescue down there in Cornwall. And maybe even a few more. I would give a big donation to my friend Marc for his group to get going at the hospital. (He is starting a crafting group at the hospital for patients and the nurses there!!! Isn't he just such a star!!!!) And I would probably find a few more worthy causes to share the money with.... Besides tucking a bit aside for our retirement.
Last question... Places I have lived.... Well I was born in Noblesville, Indiana and I lived most of my life in Indiana. A little time in Texas and Oklahoma. And now I live here in the UK.
Now it is your turn. If you do decide to do this meme.....please drop a note and let me know. Thanks!!!!
Hi Pat,
Thought I'd answer the questions here via your blog...I don't usually have anything like that on my blog...it's mainly just craft pics...
10 years ago: gosh my 4 children were all still living here at home & I was busy doing lots of stuff with the younger ones at their school & also sewing & playing tennis with a small group of ladies I used to be friends with.
5 things in my 'to do list': 1.Do more scrapbook pages 2.Clean the shower (blahhhh) 3.Play with my new nestability dies 4.Eat dinner 5. Wash up the dishes
Snacks I enjoy: cheese supreme Doritos, flavoured rice crackers, salsa dip, CHOCOLATE
Things I would do if I were a millionaire: Overseas travel is high on the agenda BUT I'd like to be able to pay off my children's mortgages...it's very expensive living here in Sydney, Oz
Places I have lived: 18.5yrs in Wentworthville, NSW, Australia...& the past 27.5 years here in Wetherill Park, NSW, Australia
Thanks for visiting my blog Nettie!!:)
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