Besides cooking I have been doing a little bit of card making. This first card I did for a friends Birthday. She likes rock and roll I think, well she does a lot of singing in our group. So I came across a template for the guitar and I had to make the card for her. Her fav colours are pink and green too.

This next lot of cards are from one of my groups that had a challenge. Where the host member sends you some bits and you make some cards from them and then post the cards back to them. You can add bits to the bits too. The cards are then going to be sent to another friend to sell for charity. I have posted the two charities that the card sales will be going towards. It is a good thing that they are down in Cornwall or I think Brian would be having a time with me, as I would want to be housing or fostering all these poor little animals. So far our groups have raise a few hundred pounds for these and other charities. So well done everyone.

Little Cat Rescue
National Animal Welfare Trust
If you would be interested in joining an internet crafting type of group, please let me know as I have a few groups going, one is an international crafting group with members all over the world, well mostly the US, England and Austraila. That is set up through MSN. And then I also have a group set up through the Ebay crafting groups here in the UK.