How a cat could look so silly is beyond me.... But occasionally they will sit there with this silly look on their faces with their tongues hanging out.... Why??? Is it because they have just been cleaning themselves and have cat fur on their tongues and now don't want to swallow because they know they are going to get a hair ball? Or is it because they just forget to put their tongues back??? I really think it is the later....

I do appologize for the last two photos being so blurred, but it is really really hard to take a photo when you are laughing so hard that tears are streaming down your face. Maybe that is why they do it to make us laugh! It isn't only the tongue hanging out it is the silly look they give you. Like what are you doing making all that noise... Do they get embarrased too???
how funny! my cats have their tongues out sometimes but not that far! Cheeky by name and by nature!
It wasn't just his tongue but the silly look he had on his face like what is she laughing at.... They are great for a giggle sometimes.
Pat, love the pictures of Cheeky---it does look like he is sticking his tongue out at you. I could sit and watch cats for hours---they are such fascinating animals.
Pat, Thanks!! He was!!!! It was soooo funny. I agree they can be quite funny creatures.
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