26 March 2010

This is our first garden hoggie check.

This is our First hog that has reappeared in the garden this year. We thought he was one of the girls, but have since found out it is a male. He weighed in at 930 grams and to me felt too skinny. After much discussion we think it is Headly from Last year, but who will be sporting a new name and new mark. He is now dubbed Colin First. (Could be something to do with one of my fav actors Colin Firth. LOL)
This guy knows me as when I picked him up, he didn't roll up. He sniffed and sat still for me, except when I went to put his markings on. He has the flight instinct and so did Headly last year. What was really weird was he trusted me so much to lay his spines down and didn't give me a prick. I could hold him in my bare hands. Usually I only trust the babies to do this. The only other one to do it was Jamie who was so very very ill.
Anyway, Colin has visited a time or two since his marking and check up. I will keep a close eye on him and make sure he is eating okay. I am sure you will be seeing more of him. :)

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