Were do I begin??? I am now on holiday from school. Work not studying. And we had decided to do a bit of DIY around here. We started with the bathroom it being the smallest room in the house and I thought we could get it done quick. Well two days I guess is kinda quick. The peach walls and stenciling have now become magnolia and the window that was starting to look a bit worse for wear is now a nice brown. We have a new shower curtain and a new lamp shade too!! Brian said he could live in our bathroom now.
The following weekend we had Hamish and Yuk-kin come by for lunch which was lovely to see them and we had too much food as usual. I love to cook for them and wish they lived closer. Afterwards, I think the next day, Brian was complaining of his arm hurting and he said he felt like he was getting a cold. So I told him to take an Echinacea pill. Was kind of glad I had just bought them so that we could see if they would help. He did and then I started getting the cold symptoms too. So I took one. Then he got a rash. I thought hmmmm what have I done now.... Poisoned him!! So he went to the docs to see what it was and he has Shingles. I didn't poison him after all!!! Thank goodness. But even so the Shingles has been horrible. Neither of us had seen it before and hadn't really known anyone to have it personally. So we weren't really prepared for it all. He became very tired and broke out in a rash that becomes blisters. Ick. Much like having poison ivy back home in the US. He has some meds from the doc and I have checked the internet to see what can help. The net says Vitamin A, C and E. Cereals, fresh fruit and veg and some chocolate. So got him some KitKats and have been making him some smoothies. He is finally perking up a bit. I know it is very sore and painful and neither of us has been sleeping well since. I didn't have time for my cold, so it has vanished. I was a bit run down for a day or so but doing alot better now. Just busy keeping on top of things.
I have received some new photos of Dorothy. She is growing so quick!!!!

Here she is with Mum.

Awwwwww so cute when they are asleep.

With her uncle Dan.

Reading already!!!

Dory and Dad!!
Oh my, Dorothy is such a cutie. They grow so quickly don't they? She certainly looks very happy and content.
They sure do!!! LOL I told my son she looks to be a happy baby. He says he only sends me the smiling photos I told him I want even the crying ones.
Pat, Dorothy is growing too fast. What a beautiful baby. Hope you enjoy your time off. Hugs, Pat
Thanks Pat!!! Yes she is growing up too quick!!! Already a month old!!!
growing very quickly doesnt seem two mins since her arrival
Thanks Elaine, she is!!!! Have some new photos to post soon.
Oh my goodness, WOW!!! She is getting soooo big so fast!! And what a beautiful girl she is :) I bet you're just looooving to love her!
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