22 April 2007

April 22nd, 2007

Well life has been a bit busy here lately. Flat Stanley has been enjoying his trips out and about, and I have started his scrapbook to send back with him when he goes home. Hopefully he will be on his way back to the US by next weekend. I also managed to get 80 cards done for charity with 50 going to Cornwall to help some cats and other animals and 30 going to Liverpool to help the dog's trust there.

I have also started back to work and Stanley even got to go in with me...here he is playing on our Coallating machine. He even fell into the Photo copier!!!!! So now we have two of him....

He has been traveling out and about with us to a few places and even went caravaning with my friend Linda and her family. He enjoyed his first bus ride and Pizza too!!

He has even taken a virtual trip to London to see the sites.... Well the garden is calling me today so it looks like I am going to be out and about in the lovely sunshine today planting seeds. Going to plant a few lettuces for some salads this summer that is if the slugs don't eat them first.


Linda said...

It looks like flat Stanley is having a wonderful time visiting you. His scrapbook will be full of wonderful memories.

The Urban Chic said...

That is too cute. Gosh the picture at the bottom kinda favors Times Square. Brian seems to enjoy having him around also. You are right, you do so much together like us.

Pat said...

Thanks Linda and Pat, It has been fun having him around. Think I will miss him, but then I have a copy of him. LOL That is Picadilly circus. About the same I think.